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Fire safety guidelines where composite cladding is installed

lame composite

Almost all bardage bois composite cladding panels have quality combustible foam installed. And some are approved as fire retardants. When composite cladding is installed. It is important to ensure it is regularly inspected and maintained. This helps to keep them in safe and good conditions. You should therefore identify and record the types of panels installed on your building and treat them to prevent fire risk.

Composite panels

Composite panels refer to a roof or wall cladding element formed of two metal skins on the outside with some form of plastic insulation in between. In the majority of cases, the insulating materials adhere to the metallic panels without any additional securing. This means that the metal can delaminate from the insulation easily during a fire unless they are properly secured.

Insulation materials exist in several types such as polyurethane, polystyrene, polyisocyanurate, polyethylene and so on. You can use composite panels in different applications. Each application poses different challenges from a fire safety point of view. There are also a lot of brands and types of composite panels available and these may vary by the type of insulation and the thickness. It is not always obvious that there exist composite panels. In some cases, the insulation material can be thin and is present more for the rigidity of the structure than thermal properties.

Even this can create a fire hazard when combined with other materials that may not be hazardous. Where combustible bardage composite bois are present, it is essential that they are managed properly to limit the exposure they create and their potential to cause a large-scale loss. Read on for some guidance on this.

Management of composite panels

Where composite panels are installed as part of a building or externally, and are not approved or identified as non-combustible, it is important to consider the following precautions.

You should ensure there is a policy that requires the use of approved materials when composite panels are repaired or placed. A long-term program of panel replacement that is un-approved should also be considered.

It is important to remove the arson risk by storing combustible materials within 10m of the building. This should be the general rule when constructing and renovating a building. It is also important to formally inspect the composite panels conditions for any signs of damage at least every month. Encourage all staff members to report composite panel damage as soon as they notice it. An easily accessible reporting system should be put in place to help with this.

It is also important to actively encourage all staff members to report composite panel damage as soon as it is seen or it happens. Putting in place an accessible system to do this is recommended.

Any exposed or damaged bardage bois composite should be repaired. Avoid doing any hot work on the composite panels. The proximity of the panels should be considered when doing work within ten meters. Don’t mount any electrical equipment directly on composite panels. If it is necessary then you should fix a panel that is non-combustible to the wall.

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