
Showing posts from May, 2021

Using composite cladding on exterior walls is stylish and cost effective

It’s not just large and luxury homes using prix barrage composite but smaller homes are choosing the same for exterior cladding. Exterior cladding not only looks good, and is definitely a decor trend that is here to stay, but it is low maintenance. And we are starting to see more homes, not just in France but all around the world, using cladding. What is Bardage composite? Bardage is a cladding, a covering or a coating, that looks almost like wood but is made of materials that do not destroy the environment. The cladding is a beautiful way to cover the walls of a home. Once the cladding is in, and it can be put in by professionals or DIY, is manufactured in bulk, and custom designed by the manufacturers for the buyers. There are no delays because composite cladding is manufactured in bulk, without tearing down forests or trees. The process is high tech and as environmentally friendly as possible. It has been interesting seeing design trends change over the decades for exterior walls,